Whopper Cake

Some time ago on pinterest, I saw a cake covered in whoppers and thought it looked pretty cool. When I was a bridesmaid in a wedding earlier this year and they asked the wedding party to bring desserts to the wedding, I decided to make a whopper cake (and a cheesecake, but that’s another story). I don’t often make chocolate desserts since my husband is allergic, but since this was for a bunch of people at a wedding I figured it was a good chance to play with chocolate.

Whoppers covered chocolate cake

As I was making two desserts the night before the wedding, I made this cake with boxed cake mix and canned icing. I used one box of devil’s food chocolate cake to make two 9″ rounds, and chocolate icing. After stacking and icing the cakes, I stuck whoppers on/around the whole cake – using the icing as an adhesive. It took about one and a half of those 12 oz cartons of whoppers. They stuck on pretty well, but I brought some of the leftover whoppers to the wedding to replace a few that got dislodged on the car ride to the church. I didn’t actually get to taste it since it was gone by the time the wedding party got inside from taking pictures, but I did get lots of great comments and questions about it at the reception 🙂 You could use icing to stick all kinds of candies to a cake – I think it would be really fun with something in rainbow colors like M&Ms or skittles.

And here’s a picture of Eddie & me at the wedding. The bride wanted us to all wear green and each have a different accessory color to match our bouquets. Mine was orange (obviously), and I ended up making my dress, jewelry, and headband.

Green Bridesmaid Dress

cake wedding

45 thoughts on “Whopper Cake

  1. A cake covered with Maltesers – what a brilliant idea! At least they look like Maltesers thats we call them over here!

  2. Fun cake Julia! I just made a KitKat cake, same idea, cover a cake with candy using frosting as the glue. Check it out.

  3. Oh my goodness my mom would just flip for this. She LOVES Whoppers. I might have to make her one 🙂 Love the orange headband and jewelry for the wedding too! I wouldn’t have thought of those colors together but I love the combo!

  4. I LOVE this cake! I can’t decorate well… so why not cover it all with delicious candy?! Great idea. Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  5. That looks AMAZING! (found your blog via the DIY Dreamer link party, hope you’ll have a moment to visit my blog as well!)

  6. Oh my word!!! I must have a piece!!! Oh, your hubby is allergic to chocolate 🙁

    Thanks so much for sharing at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  7. YUM!!! Whoppers are my dad’s favorite candy! I’ll have to make this cake for him! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  8. Awesome job with the cake! I love whoppers :).

    Mrs. Delightful

  9. So, so gorgeous!! Not to mention yummy 🙂 My Dad is a hug whoppers fan so this would be perfect for his birthday! I was just reading in your profile that you are an engineering graduate student and was wondering what field of engineering you are studying? I only ask because my BS is in EEE. Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  10. That looks ridiculously good! I, too, pinned a similar image thinking it would be a good idea, because it would cover up my not-so-awesome frosting skills! Visiting from the Linky Party!

  11. I just shared this on my FB page. My dad is the only person I know who loves Whoppers. He would really like this cake! Thanks for sharing at Handmade Tuesdays.

  12. I absolutely LOVE whoppers…so, this cake intrigues me…enough that I just might have to give it a try! How can one go wrong with Whoppers 🙂 Thanks for sharing with Toot Your Horn Tuesday! Can’t wait to see what you link up next!


  13. My cousin just showed me a cake covered in jelly beans and it was really cute (sounds like a similar idea to using M&M’s or Skittles). I love this idea too. Whoppers are fantastic!

  14. This Whopper cake looks amazing!! And what a cute cake. We’re so glad you linked up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday.” Thanks for coming and we hope you’ll be back. -The Sisters

  15. This is great! Like trixfred30 said, would work great with Maltesers! Really clever

  16. Okay, I absolutely love this cake!! I have seen you linked up to several parties and had to stop by and tell you how much I love this! i definitley have to try this!! I think this would be a great cake for my mom’s bday! Whoppers were always our guilty pleasure…we would pick up a carton and eat the whole thing! Or for easter we always get bags of the whopper eggs! 🙂

    I would absolutely love for you to stop by and link this whopper cake up to our Naturally-Nifty party that is going on right now!


  17. Love the cake! My 13-year-old daughter can’t wait to try it. You did a great job on the dress and accessories.


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