Cuff Links

I’ve been mixing a lot of resin lately (making more cabochons for these thumb tacks), and thought I’d share a resin project I made for my wedding. I also love any excuse to look at/share our fantastic wedding pictures from Life As Art Photography The Minnericks.

Wedding Rings and DIY CufflinksEddie’s cuff links with our wedding rings and aggie rings – photo by The Minnericks

I’d never done anything with resin before, but Eddie and I decided a fun gift for the groomsmen and our fathers would be personalized cuff links. We also ended up making sets for our officiant and Eddie 🙂


  • cuff link blanks* (like these)
  • craft resin (can be found at hobby lobby)
  • clip art of choice
  • cardstock
*I would get a few extra cuff link blanks in case you make a mistake or something gets messed up!

First, I found/made some clip art for each of the guys. Maps for my dad who loves traveling, a plane silhouette the best man who is in training to become a fighter pilot, our wedding symbol of two penguins for Eddie, etc.

DIY Wedding Cufflinksphoto by The Minnericks – p.s. I also made my necklace in the background 🙂

I then printed these off on white cardstock and trimmed them to size for the cufflinks. I set them inside, poured in resin, and let dry in a frame I made out of a cardboard box to hold them level. After playing with resin more, I would suggest coating your image with mod podge or (clear drying!) elmer’s glue before adding resin- mine were mostly fine, but a couple had problems due to resin seeping under the cardstock.

Wedding Cufflinks Tutorialphoto by me.

And, for good measure, another couple of wedding pictures because I love them 🙂

Wedding Dancingphoto by The Minnericks

photo by The Minnericks

Bridesmaidsphoto by The Minnericks – and I made those dresses!

12 thoughts on “Cuff Links

  1. What a fantastic idea, so personal I am sure they loved them. Love the wedding pictures you are stunning

  2. Ooooooooo I am TOTALLY enamored with ur dress!!!! I am planning mt 2nd wedding & although I know ur not supposed to have such an amazing dress 4 it, I think I’m in love w/us!!!! Love ur blog 🙂

  3. I love the cufflinks, and the personalization. I’m planning a BIG resin project myself (countertops) hopefully later this year! Thanks for linking up and sharing with us @ Toot Your Horn Tuesday.


  4. So adorable! I love those cuff links. What a great idea. I am also loving your wedding photos and so impressed you made the BM dresses. amazing.

  5. Wow ! what a great idea to give the gift for the wedding couples. The cuff links are so cute .
    Here is good designs of cuff links

  6. Pingback: “It’s a Grooms World” – Focusing on Trends for the Groom and his Men | VPonsale Wedding Custom Dresses

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