Wild Olive Stitch Swap

Last month, I joined an embroidery hoop swap at wild olive. When I signed up, I provided some colors and things I like. I got this information about someone else, and whipped up a four inch ready to hang embroidery hoop based on those likes. And someone else should sending me a surprise package in the mail! My partner’s identity is a secret until she receives the package, but until then I thought I’d share what I made.

I’m especially pleased with the little heart between the two birds – its made with a bit of the green thread and a bit of the blue thread wrapped together.

Along with the embroidery hoop, I made a little zipper pouch to send my partner as well. Its a ribbon surrounded by a zipper so that it zips up into this tetrahedron pouch. I used this tutorial (found via pinterest, of course) to make this pouch out of a 20 inch zipper and a 20 inch piece of ribbon. Even with the great instructions, it was still a bit difficult to figure out how to wrap up the ends of the zipper, but I’m very pleased with how it turned out. I happened to get a 10 gallon bag full of a variety of colorful zippers for about $10 this summer from a craigslist listing, so I had plenty of zippers to choose from 🙂

Here’s the full embroidery hoop (with some information that would give away my partner’s identity conveniently hidden by the zipper pouch). I painted the outside hoop brown to match the branch with acrylic paint. I also used a pretty green floral print to finish of the back of the hoop.

I had a surprisingly great time whipping this embroidery hoop up. Now I just need to send these guys off to my partner 🙂 And I can’t wait to get my surprise package in the mail!

22 thoughts on “Wild Olive Stitch Swap

  1. Your hoop is so fun! I signed up for the stitch swap too but haven’t done mine yet. I’m kind of drawing a blank, even though we were given themes that the recipient likes. How’d you come up with the inspiration for yours?

  2. I love the purse. I have seen the tutorial, but not been brave enough to try it myself yet. Am very impressed that you managed it!

  3. The hoop and the little bag are both adorable! I especially love the sweet spring-y blue color. Great Job!

  4. Can I ask how you finish off the back of the hoops with the fabric? I have a couple of hoop art items that I have no idea on how to finish them in the back the only thing I have seen is felt and I don’t have access to felt, but I have fabric!


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